A little something for when the sun comes out 😎💪🏼#33
This 30 minute workout is for anyone who is bored with the treadmill and wants a little something to work cardio/lower body all in one. The exercise variation will keep you focused!
Do as many of the exercises you can from the list (preferably all) - one after the other to make one round, with a break in between of 60-90 secs.
Repeat and do this for 30 minutes. This will torch fat and tone your legs and butt! Stay hydrated throughout, especially in the sun.
You’re very welcome 😉 now go for it 💪🏼😬
Exercises include :
Squat / knee raise x10
Plies - x 10
1. Bulgarian split squat x 10 each leg
2. Squat jump x10
3. Curtsy lunge x 10
4. 3D Lunges x5 each side
5. Reverse Lunge/ Front Kick = one rep x 10
6. Squat x 10 / Abduction
7. Alternating Forward Lunge x 5 each leg
#bodyweightworkout #bodyweightexercises #pthealthhutuk❤️ #30minuteworkout #lowerbody #pump #cardiopump #bootygainz