Hitting my back and shoulders on my freestyle day 😛…something I naturally gravitate to without persuasion! Tell me …❓🤔 What muscle groups are you always eager to train 👍🏼 and also hate the most 👎🏼
WORKOUT - Try it 😬
1️⃣Reverse Lat Pulldown - 4 x 15
2️⃣DB Saw Row 4 x 15 each
3️⃣Single Arm Cable Row each
4️⃣BB Shoulder Press (Behind Neck) x 15
5️⃣BB Upright Row x15
6️⃣Pronated DB Lateral Raise 4 x 15 🔥
7️⃣Leaning DB Lateral Raise 4 x 15
8️⃣DB Lateral Raise 4 x 15